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How do I contact you if I have questions about my paperwork or need duplicate copies?

Contact our Enrollments Dept. at, complete our Enrollment Information Request form online or call us at 717-561-4480.

If you need copies of your warranty documents, first determine the date of your closing.

Closing PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST, 2014: Call our Enrollments Dept. to request duplicate copies of your warranty documentation (warranty book, validation sticker or application for warranty). Please note that there is a charge associated with duplicate warranty books which varies based upon the format requested (PDF or paper copy).


Original homeowner AND closing AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST, 2014: Warranty documents are available online 60 DAYS AFTER CLOSING. (Ex: if closing was November 1st, then warranty documents become available online after January 1st.) If 60 days have passed since closing, click here to confirm warranty coverage online. If you still have trouble obtaining your warranty documents online after the 60 days, contact us for assistance as noted above.

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