HOME’s 2020 Membership Drive is a Smashing Success!
HOME and its affiliates regularly conduct an annual membership drive in conjunction with a sales contest and this year was no different. What was different about this year? The environment and the results!
Originally scheduled for the spring, our annual membership drive was postponed due to an ever-widening pandemic, upending every aspect of our daily lives. By early summer however, it was clear that the building industry was going to do everything in its power to keep the lights on for workers and home buying families alike. So, we committed to do the same.
With an aggressive “pre-Covid” goal of bringing 250 new members into the HOME/RWC family, our 9-member sales team took a deep breath, properly masked of course, and focused all their energy towards contacting builders.
And you responded. The team brought in 292 total new members over a 3 month period, smashing all records for contests and membership drives since at least prior to the Great Recession. They set a one-month record of 109 applications and exceeded 90+ applications for every month of the drive.
Certainly a large driving force behind the success of any of our drives is you, the Builder and your willingness to provide an additional layer of credible protection to your homes, to not only manage your risk, but also to protect your home buyers during unprecedented times.
For our part, for the second straight year, Staci Cool, our Midwest Region Account Executive (pictured here), won the overall contest and rightfully earned some serious bragging rights. In second place overall, is Tifanee McCall, Account Executive for MHWC and Manufacturers nationwide, who makes her first entry into the contest’s top echelon of finishers. We congratulate both of them on their hard work.
We always try to interject a little fun into our contests and this year was no different. We divided the Account Executives into two teams to battle each other out in various challenges and quizzes, earning each winning team member bonus points. Staci Cool captained one team, “Carol Baskin’s Tigers” and Rich McPhee, our Mid-Atlantic Region Account Executive, captained the other, “Joe Exotic’s Tigers”. And much like opinion on the real life “characters”, results ended in a tie!
In terms of just new members, Jana Watts, Account Executive for NJ, NY, and PA came in first with 65 new members. Diana Gomez, Account Executive for TX, LA, OK, and AR came in second with 44 new members and Staci Cool and Freddy Pesqueira, Account Executive for GA, FL, TN, AL & MS, tied for third with 33 new members each.
We are on track to have one of our strongest years in at least the last decade or more in terms of new members. But more than that, this also is an indicator of the strength of your warranty provider. We continue to grow in numbers and we continue to grow in financial strength. As of year-end 2019 numbers, our insurer boasts a net surplus equity in excess of $120 million and our Texas affiliate’s insurer for that single state surpassed the $18 million mark in surplus equity. That’s surplus equity that stands at the ready to assist our members and their home buyers with warranted claims throughout the term of their warranty.
HOME/RWC is committed….Committed to you, our builders and to your homeowners, to provide strong, stable, and effective warranty coverage for the long haul! Thank you to the building industry for doing your part to keeping our economy moving! May you all stay safe!