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RWC Offers Options to Remodelers

Flexible Remodeler Warranty Offers Choices!  Residential Warranty Company, LLC (RWC) recently revised its Remodelers Warranty Program, making it more flexible and user-friendly than ever, to deal with an ever growing and challenging renovation market. With revamped coverage and options and a thorough screening process, RWC is poised to help Remodelers cope with current trends and issues.

Choosing a qualified Remodeler to undertake a home improvement project can sometimes be a challenge. These days, most anyone can be labeled a “Remodeler” regardless of experience or background. As a result, the home remodeling industry has experienced somewhat of a “black eye” due to a few unprofessional contractors providing inferior workmanship and creating a poor image for the industry as a whole.

Often the decision to remodel leads to more choices and even more questions on the part of the homeowner. What are the Remodeler’s qualifications?What kind of guarantee isprovided?Is there any choice in the warranty offered?How do I know if the Remodelerchosen for the job is experienced and professional?What happens when there is a disagreement? RWC’s Remodeler Warranty addresses many of these issues and concerns for Remodelers and their Customers. This flexible warranty allows for customization based on each project and specific needs of the Customer. Two unique coverage options are available:

  • 3-Year Workmanship & Materials Coverage
  • 5-Year Structural Coverage with 1-Year Workmanship & Materials Coverage
  • State-specific coverage is available in Indiana and Minnesota to meet state statutes.

The Remodeler’s responsibility is limited to the first year with RWC’s Insurer providing the protection in subsequent years.

Eligibility to offer RWC protection requires each Remodeler have a history of financial stability, technical competence in constructing quality renovations, and good customer references. The warranty also provides a process to resolve disputes about the quality of the work, should any develop. Having a written warranty effectively reduces misunderstandings that can result from a verbal agreement and a handshake. If, for any reason, an RWC Remodeler is unable to fulfill his/her warranty obligations, RWC’s Insurer will do so.

In today’s world, providing any type of construction service without an independently written warranty as backing is very much a “high wire act.” Whether it is calming a customer’s concerns or averting a full-fledged lawsuit, RWC’s resolution process, which includes binding arbitration when needed, works effectively to resolve disputes. Take your chances and go it alone in a court of law before a jury of 12 homeowners…or…let an experienced warranty provider mediate the issues putting the complaint on a fast track to resolution.

For more information on the RWC Remodelers Warranty Program, contact RWC at 1-800-247-1812 ext. 2149 or send an e-mail to  Texas Remodelers may call HOME of Texas, an RWC affiliate, at 1-800-445-8173 ext. 2149 or email

DATE:  August, 2013

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